
  •   癌症教育與篩檢 (Cancer Education and Early Detection)

    定期舉辦專題講座與研討會,邀請專家學者及相關醫護人員提供華人社區最新的營養,癌症資訊和早期篩檢,進而提高華人對癌症的認知、警覺與預防。 Organize educational seminars or workshops on topics related to cancer prevention, treatment and survivorship. Empower the Chinese community with up-to-date nutrition and cancer knowledge, information and opportunities for early detection.

  •   癌友服務 (Patient Services)

    藉由癌友支持小組聚會和微信群、電話諮詢及後續關懷、探訪、病患輔導、交通接送、中英文就醫翻譯、免費醫療資源和社會福利諮詢、和轉介和其他癌友組織的合作,協助癌友及家庭走過艱辛抗癌路、並提升生活品質。 Assist cancer patients, survivors and their family members through regular support group meetings, telephone care, house and hospital visits, service referrals, and transportation and language assistance. Coordinate efforts with other organizations to identify social resource or benefits available to cancer patients, survivors and their family members.

  •   免費中英文抗癌資訊 (Free Education Materials )

    免費提供各種中英文抗癌資訊給癌友、家屬及社會大眾。 free Chinese and English educational materials for cancer patients, survivors, family members and the general public.

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